Sigelei Fuchai Squonk 213 150W VW Kit al favoloso prezzo di 43.22€! Non è un sogno!
Il device misura 8.85 x 4.50 x 3.10 cm / 3.48 x 1.77 x 1.22 inches, pesa 0.2100 kg, e il pacchetto peserà 0.3200 kg, grosso 15.00 x 8.00 x 5.00 cm / 5.91 x 3.15 x 1.97 inches.
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Descrizione e specifiche
Fuchai Squonk 213 150W VW Kit comes with a complete set of VW mod and an RDA with 5ml juice reservoir. It is designed to be compact and powerful. Adjustable bottom airflow makes it easy to use, deep juice well for large liquid storage. S…
Fuchai Squonk 213 150W VW Kit comes with a complete set of VW mod and an RDA with 5ml juice reservoir. It is designed to be compact and powerful. Adjustable bottom airflow makes it easy to use, deep juice well for large liquid storage. S…
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