RIVERSONG C01 Bluetooth Wireless Sport Earbuds Offerte a soli 9.88€!

offertehitech-gearbest-RIVERSONG C01 Bluetooth Wireless Sport Earbuds

RIVERSONG C01 Bluetooth Wireless Sport Earbuds Offerte a soli 9.88€!

RIVERSONG C01 Bluetooth Wireless Sport Earbuds Offerte a soli 9.88€! 1000 1000

RIVERSONG C01 Bluetooth Wireless Sport Earbuds al favoloso prezzo di 9.88€! Non è un sogno!
Sarà presto tuo 1 x Sports Earbuds.
Lo sconto è già applicato al prodotto, clicca per acquistarlo! »


Descrizione e specifiche

– A concise and elegant appearance with delicate metal shells
– The engraved CD pattern on the shell is structured and exquisite, offering a great texture
– With the magnetic design, it is easy to store and manage
– Ergonomic design, perfectly…

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