Bluetooth Laser a soli 23.61!

offertehitech-Bluetooth Laser Projection Virtual Keyboard with LCD Display(100pezzi)

Bluetooth Laser a soli 23.61!

Bluetooth Laser a soli 23.61! 1000 1000

Carpe diem! Bluetooth Laser Projection Virtual Keyboard with LCD Display con uno sconto del 17%!

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Informazioni Principali

– Portable and lightweight for easy carrying
– Fast and accurate data input and English QWERTY keyboard layout
– Detection rate over 350 characters per minute and low power consumption
– Compatible with all Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8, Windows Phone 7, iOS 4 / 5 / 6, Android 3.1 and above, Mac OS X
– Virtual laser keyboard with the lasted inductor, can track the finger of user and detect the input
– Built-in 700mAh lithium-ion rechargeable battery

Link all’acquisto

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