Authentic Kanger SUBVOD E Cigarette Starter Kit al favoloso prezzo di 27.09€! Non è un sogno!
La scatola sarà 5 x 7 x 21 cm / 1.97 x 2.75 x 8.25 inches, peserà 0.270 kg, al suo interno il prodotto è 1.85 x 1.85 x 16 cm / 0.73 x 0.73 x 6.29 inches, e pesa 0.109 kg.
Lo sconto è già applicato al prodotto, clicca per acquistarlo! »
Descrizione e specifiche
The new Kanger SUBVOD Starter Kit is the ideal setup for when you are out and about or if you just want something small, with its 1300mah battery and 3.2ml tank capacity this will be a great small setup. This device takes advantage of the new stainless steel OCC coils which will …
The new Kanger SUBVOD Starter Kit is the ideal setup for when you are out and about or if you just want something small, with its 1300mah battery and 3.2ml tank capacity this will be a great small setup. This device takes advantage of the new stainless steel OCC coils which will …
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