ANET A4 Fast a 144.55€!

offertehitech-ANET A4 Fast Installation Delta DIY 3D Printer Kit

ANET A4 Fast a 144.55€!

ANET A4 Fast a 144.55€! 1000 1000 Kryuko

ANET A4 Fast Installation Delta DIY 3D Printer Kit in offerta a soli 144.55€ con il nostro codice sconto!!!

Il codice sconto ci è stato gentilmente offerto dai nostri partner di Gearbest, basterà inserirlo in fase di checkout per poter acquistare il prodotto a soli 144.55€!


Informazioni Principali

– Optical axis + linear bearing make the printing smooth and flexible in a high speed
– Elegant aluminum alloy frame and delta structure support more stable and accurate printing
– The tightness of belt is adjustable for avoiding the skipping problems
– Easy assembly, you just need 10 minutes to finish installing
– Adopts high-end and elegant metal power case
– Supports remote filament feeding

Link all’acquisto

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