Khadas VIM2 Max TV Box 2 x 2 MIMO WiFi Gigabit LAN with WOL in sconto a 110.16 grazie al nostro Partner! La nuova offerta del giorno consiste in “Khadas VIM2 Max TV Box 2 x 2 MIMO WiFi Gigabit LAN with WOL ” a soli 110.16!
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Informazioni Principali
Khadas VIM2 Max TV Box
– MCU power management, EEPROM for customization, and boot media ( SPI flash or eMMC ) setup
– All models feature with 802.11a/b/g/n/ac
– RSDB ( Real Simultaneous Dual Band ), which lets VIM2 and other devices transmit and receive data over two bands at the same time
– WOL power on or wake up VIM2 remotely over Lan through APP or web page
– UEFI similar with traditional BIOS, UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware
– The UEFI for VIM2 is still at the developmental stage and will be released once finalized
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